Donna Belajac Actors Studio

Act Freely: Ages 8-11

Act Freely

Students ages 8-11, get started in acting!  In Act Freely, the studio becomes a playground, where you can let go and explore the imaginary “world of play” in a safe atmosphere. A great class for kids who’d like to act or just need a little help coming out of their shell.

When:  Saturdays, February 3,– May 21, 2024, 10-11 AM

Where:  109 Market Street, Downtown  —  Studio 3

Tuition:  $285


You will be introduced to the foundation of acting skills through:

  • Creative Play – story-telling, improvisation, music and text
  • Exploration of imagination
  • Concentration – keeping your mind in the moment
  • Observation of self and others

This class is for students with little to no experience or training. Students will receive a syllabus at the first class, as well as a written evaluation at the end of the semester.

"My daughter joined Donna Belajac Actors Studio at a young age. She enjoyed learning about acting themes and concepts and the warm-up exercises and games. Performing scenes and monologues was a challenge initially that she grew to love. The biggest change I noticed in my daughter was overcoming her fear of speaking in front of people. When she started acting class, she was almost paralyzed by fear of speaking in front of the class. In class, she had the opportunity to speak often, and receive and give encouragement from not only her teacher but classmates as well. By the time she advanced to the next class level, she was acting and speaking with much more confidence, and she continues to grow in confidence and talent. These skills have helped her in so many areas of her life."
Jennifer Kyyasko